EMDR Therapy in Fort Worth, TX

Heal your past, Reclaim your present, Build your future

Healing Begins Here - EMDR Therapy in Fort Worth, TX

Welcome to Neuro Nuance Therapy and EMDR. If you’ve been considering beginning therapy or looking for an EMDR therapist in Forth Worth, let me commend you on taking this first step toward reclaiming your life. Many people struggle to find lasting healing after surviving through past trauma and stress. It can leave you feeling like you’re stuck in quicksand. Trying to move on, reaching for the future, but the past keeps intruding and pulling you back.

Trauma and stressful events can leave lasting effects…

It can feel like being stuck in a loop: making some progress, feeling more stable, and then something happens that sets off the cascade of symptoms and protective responses all over again. Having coping skills for the anxiety, depression, flashbacks, and emotional distress is helpful, but sometimes it just isn’t enough, and it can feel like a never ending battle.

What if there was a way to heal wounds rather than just cope with them?

That’s what Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy was specifically developed to do by tapping into the brain’s natural healing process. If you’ve been considering trauma therapy or EMDR specifically, you’re in the right place. As a trauma-focused therapist with specific training in EMDR, I specialize in helping people in Fort Worth and all over Texas find lasting healing.

Become empowered with the knowledge and skills of recovery

By learning more about the nature of trauma and the recovery process, you can become equipped with the skills to begin managing its effects. As you build the courage and capacity, you can reprocess your past to experience a deeper more enduring form of healing. It all starts with a sense of safety, trust, and hope that you can take action to make progress.

Discover Your Inner Capacity for Healing

On this journey, I can be your guide to walk alongside you as you discover your inner capacity for growth and transformation. I believe in people and one of the biggest rewards for me is watching you grow. Within this supportive relationship, you can work toward healing your past, reclaiming your present, and building a future where you feel healthy and whole again. I can help show you how.

Alex Penrod, MS, LPC, LCDC

Owner and Therapist

Welcome, allow me to introduce myself. I’m a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC), Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselor (LCDC), and a person in long-term recovery with a decade of experience working in the behavioral health treatment field.

My specialties include Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy (EMDR) blended with Internal Family Systems Therapy (IFS) and Ego State Therapy. My approach is based on connecting with you as a person, not as a diagnosis, and helping you to reprocess key experiences that would have affected anyone in your shoes.

I offer online therapy for adults. My areas of focus are on recovery from PTSD, complex trauma, dissociative disorders, depression, anxiety, and substance use disorders. 

To learn more about how I can help you find lasting healing, continue scrolling or schedule your free 15-minute consultation with me. I’d love to learn more about your goals and answer any questions you may have.

What is Trauma?

  • Trauma can be defined as an event, experience, or time period that causes severe stress exceeding a person's resources and ability to cope.

    After experiencing trauma, some people recover naturally while others develop symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

Living with the Impacts of Trauma Can be Debilitating

Symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Intrusion Symptoms

  • Involuntary and recurrent distressing memories of the traumatic event resurfacing

  • Disturbing dreams or nightmares

  • Flashbacks as if the experience was occurring again

  • Intense emotional and physical reactions to reminders of the trauma

Avoidance Symptoms

  • Significant efforts to avoid internal reminders of the trauma like thoughts, feelings, or memories

  • Avoiding people, places, and things that are now associated with the trauma

Negative Alterations in Thoughts and Mood

  • Persistent negative emotions of shame, blame, fear, or anger

  • Difficulty feeling positive emotions

  • Feeling either intensely or numb with little space in between

  • Developing negative beliefs about yourself, others, and the world

  • Losing interest in activities once enjoyed

  • Experiencing memory issues

  • Feeling detached from others

  • Having difficulty maintaining relationships

Heightened Physical and Emotional Reactivity

  • Feeling “jumpy” and easily startled

  • Staying on guard and alert to danger (hypervigilance)

  • Engaging in risky or impulsive behavior

  • Feeling irritable with angry or aggressive outbursts or behavior

  • Having difficulty concentrating

  • Sleep disturbance


  • Feeling detached from your own mind or body as if an outside observer or in a dream


  • Feeling as if your surroundings aren’t real (distant, distorted, dreamlike)

There is Light at the End of the Tunnel

What is EMDR?

  • EMDR is an evidence-based psychotherapy for the treatment of PTSD. Originally developed by Dr. Francine Shapiro.

    EMDR is endorsed as a first line therapy for the treatment of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs/Department of Defense, the American Psychiatric Association, and the World Health Organization.

  • Unlike traditional talk therapy or cognitive behavioral therapy, EMDR uses bilateral stimulation such as eye movements, tapping, or tones, to aid in the reprocessing of traumatic memories.

    This process allows the brain to access and integrate sensory, emotional, cognitive, and somatic body sensations of trauma in a way that reduces the intensity and stores the disturbing memories in a more neutral state. Click to learn more about the neuroscience behind EMDR.

  • EMDR has been heavily researched with high success rates for single and multi-event PTSD, and emerging evidence for Complex-PTSD (C-PTSD).

    Studies have shown between 84-90% of single event trauma survivors and 77% of multi-event trauma survivors no longer had PTSD after 3 - 6 sessions.

    For complex trauma, C-PTSD, the process requires longer treatment. Studies show EMDR is still effective after around 12 sessions.

  • During an EMDR session, I work with you to identify specific traumatic memories or distressing experiences. As you notice these memories, I will guide you through bilateral stimulation exercises, helping your brain to reprocess the memory.

Strategies and Goals for Healing

My first priority is to create a safe environment and work to build a trusting relationship with you. As this develops we’ll create a custom treatment plan based on your specific needs, strengths, and goals. No two healing journeys are the same and trauma recovery shouldn’t be a cookie cutter experience.

Whether you’re working toward personal growth, building self-esteem, or just trying to gain stability in daily life, I’ll meet you where you are and focus on what’s most important to you regarding your progress. By incorporating multiple treatment options, I can tailor therapy to your individual needs. In general, trauma-focused therapy aims to produce the following benefits:

Reduction of PTSD and Mental Health Symptoms

  • EMDR therapy has been shown to reduce PTSD, depression, and anxiety symptoms.

  • A high percentage of individuals no longer meet criteria for a PTSD diagnosis after EMDR.

  • One study from the National Institute of Mental Health found 8 sessions of EMDR was superior to fluoxetine (antidepressant) for depression.

Healing Your Past

  • By targeting and reprocessing key past experiences underlying current symptoms, energy and resources are freed up to move from surviving to thriving.

Reclaiming Your Present

  • By coming to understand the effects of trauma on the brain and nervous system, learning coping skills, and targeting present triggers with EMDR, the present moment can shift from a place of fear and dread to the zone of creativity, motivation, and action toward your goals.

Building Your Future

  • Post-traumatic growth goes beyond simply returning to the previous state before the trauma, it’s marked by shifts and transformations in mental, emotional, psychological, and spiritual growth, opening up new possibilities in life.

  • After healing the past, many people find they are able to reconnect with their passions, zero in on new directions in life, and build relationships that feel stable and rewarding.

  • Empowering you to capture this natural momentum and helping you direct it toward your goals is one of my favorite parts of therapy.

Public Statements on EMDR

  • “One of the biggest lessons that I’ve ever learned in life is you’ve sometimes got to go back and to deal with really uncomfortable situations and be able to process it to be able to heal.”

    Prince Harry

  • “So I discovered something called EMDR, which was the most healing,”

    Sandra Bullock

  • “EMDR takes your trauma from you like a thief in the night. Things that I used to find terrifying are boring to me.”

    Jameela Jamil

  • “I just started EMDR. It’s a kind of trauma therapy, and I must say, it is absolutely fantastic. Crying has never felt so good.”

    Evan Rachel Wood

  • “EMDR saved my life.”

    Whitney Cummings

3 Step Plan

  • Man booking a consultation on laptop computer with an EMDR therapist in Fort Worth, TX

    Book Your Free 15-Minute Consultation

    Follow the link below to use my calendar and choose a time that’s right for you.

  • Woman waving to her laptop screen as she meets her therapist to discuss healing her past, reclaiming her present, and building her present

    Together we assess your needs and determine a plan of action

    A consultation allows you to explore if therapy with me is right for you with no commitment or obligation.

  • 4 friends embracing as the reflect on their journey of healing

    Begin healing your past, reclaiming your present, and building your future

    After consultation, beginning therapy is as easy as scheduling your first session.

  • Yes, Virtual EMDR sessions can be successfully conducted online through secure video. The process can be adapted for teletherapy, utilizing visual cues, auditory tones, or tapping for bilateral stimulation. This flexibility allows you to receive EMDR treatment from the comfort and safety of your home.

  • I only offer online services in San Antonio at this time.

  • I have several ways you can use your insurance.

    I'm in network with Aetna and offer a convenient hassle free way to handle your claims through a company called Headway.

    For all other insurance carriers, if you've met your deductible for the year you could get automatic reimbursement and only pay for a portion of your sessions by using a company called Thrizer to process out of network claims. If you haven't met your deductible, we can submit superbills to Thrizer to apply toward meeting it.

    I can assist you with your options in a free 15-minute consultation or visit my services page for links to explore these options for yourself.

  • I charge $150 for 60-minute sessions and $225 for 90-minutes sessions.

  • See my frequently asked questions page for more questions and answers or schedule a free 15-minute consultation with me. I'd be happy to help!

Do I Really Need Therapy? Can I do this on My Own?

  • People can and do recovery naturally or through their own efforts, but when PTSD and the effects of trauma are chronic many people continue to struggle with:

    Ongoing PTSD Symptoms

    Compensation Strategies and Compulsions

    (over-working, perfectionism, needing constant distraction from internal world)

    Repetition Compulsion

    (unconsciously recreating scenarios where similar traumas occur again)

    Self-Medicating with Substance Use

    Gaining Traction for Periods of Time and Being Triggered Again

    Trying to Outrun Trauma can be Exhausting

You Deserve Healing

Background on Your Guide

I never fit in as a kid. In the words of Waylon Jennings, “I’ve always been different with one foot over the line, winding up somewhere one step ahead or behind.” I had a tumultuous adolescence and early adulthood characterized by some heavy blows in life that left me feeling hopeless by my mid-twenties.

After seeking my own treatment and therapy to move through my struggles, I found I was most engaged by life when I was helping others with similar challenges. It was my way of putting my experience to good use.

My pursuit toward building on this discovery led me to a 10-year career in the behavioral health treatment field, moving from primary counselor to executive director of two programs. My passion for neuro-informed therapy was born while managing an assessment program with a neuropsychologist trained in EMDR and neurofeedback therapy.

During those years, I earned my Master of Science in Addiction Counseling from Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center and completed my training for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy through the EMDR Institute.

My supervisor was an incredibly talented therapist who trained me in adapting EMDR for use with complex trauma and dissociative disorders. I  found my niche in trauma therapy and became passionate about the delicate process of helping people heal from their deepest wounds.

After several years of part time private practice during evenings and weekends I took the leap into full time private practice. Getting to connect with people and focus solely on therapy is my idea of a dream job. 

Learn more about my “why” as a therapist.

Photo of Alex Penrod standing at the summit of a mountain pass, symbolizing the experience of a guide in navigating trauma recovery.
Trauma recovery and mountain climbing are not about speed. It’s about making small moves forward, sometimes doubling back to take another path, then one day you realize how far you’ve come.
— Alex Penrod

Training and Certification

Take the First Step Toward Healing

  • You don't have to face your trauma alone. As a trauma specialist I'd be honored to support you. I know how difficult it can be to reach out, but sometimes it's those difficult decisions that bring the most positive change to your life.

Begin your journey today.