EMDR Therapy in Austin and Online Across Texas

“Reprocessing the Past for a Better Future”

A neuro nuance is the subtle sensation that something is shifting, leading to hope that change is just around the corner.

Welcome to Neuro Nuance Therapy and EMDR

If you’ve been considering reaching out for therapy, let me commend you on taking this first step. It can be very difficult to admit the need for help in the first place, then the thought of having to open to someone you haven’t met yet can be overwhelming. To help ease that feeling, consider my website a chance to get to know me as a professional before making any decisions. My intent is to offer a more personal glimpse into who I am and what motivates me rather than simply present credentials and therapies offered. Have a look around while you’re here. There’s probably significant reasons why you are seeking therapy at this time so let’s explore some common ground first to see what resonates.

  • Sometimes it can feel like wherever you go, your trauma goes with you. Maybe you’ve tried rearranging all sorts of things in your life, engaged in multiple self-improvement strategies to feel whole, or gone to the ends of the earth looking to find yourself, but over time it feels like something inside you brings you back to the same experiences and symptoms you've been fighting to overcome. >

  • I can relate. I'm not just theorizing. I've walked the path myself and alongside many others who came to clearly know what they are trying to avoid and what they want in life, but there was something deeper, like a switch that just won't flip holding them back. >

  • Underneath the depression, anxiety, tumultuous relationships, and ways of coping that cause their own harm, trauma wires the brain to seek relief in ways that feel safe even though experience may show it isn't safe or sustainable long-term. >

  • It can begin to feel like rearranging the furniture on the Titanic, temporary improvements that aren't addressing the deeper issue below the surface. If you can relate you're in the right place and it isn't your fault. Life doesn't come with an instruction manual on how to heal our trauma and mental health. We do the best we can. >

  • It's understandable that if you have a difficult past, or even just one event that still lingers, the way forward often feels illusive until you can feel calm and relaxed in healthy ways, experience a new way of processing life without feeling so triggered, and enjoy an updated set of belief systems that promote growth and self-esteem. >

  • Helping people find this kind of healing is the part of trauma therapy that inspires me. It goes far beyond just reducing symptoms. It often becomes the catalyst for living a more intentional, engaging, and fulfilling life, when the paralysis of trauma lifts and the doors of possibility open. To learn more about me and my approach keep scrolling below.

About Alex Penrod, MS, LPC, LCDC

Owner and Therapist

To share a little about myself as a trauma therapist, I’m a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC), Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselor (LCDC), and a person in long-term recovery with a decade of experience working in the behavioral health treatment field. My specialties include Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy (EMDR) blended with Internal Family Systems Therapy (IFS) and Ego State Therapy. My approach is based on connecting with you as a person, not as a diagnosis, and helping you to reprocess key experiences that would have affected anyone in your shoes. I offer in-person and online therapy for adults. My areas of focus are on recovery from PTSD, complex trauma, dissociation, depression, anxiety, and substance use disorders. Although I’m located in Austin, TX for in-person sessions, I can provide telehealth online therapy throughout Texas. If you’re still with me all the way down here, schedule a free 15-minute consultation to learn more. There’s no commitment, just two people discussing possible ways to heal from the past. 

What is EMDR Therapy?

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is an evidence-based psychotherapy designed to help individuals heal from the emotional distress caused by traumatic experiences. Originally developed by psychologist Dr. Francine Shapiro, EMDR has been extensively researched and proven effective in treating trauma, PTSD, anxiety, and other mental health conditions.

Unlike traditional talk therapy, EMDR therapy uses bilateral stimulation, such as guided eye movements, sounds, or taps, to help reprocess traumatic memories. This process allows the brain to access and integrate the emotional and cognitive components of trauma in a way that reduces its intensity and lessens the negative impact on daily life. Click the link to my blog post on this topic for more information on the neuroscience behind EMDR.

During an EMDR session, I work with you to identify specific traumatic memories or distressing experiences. As you focus on these memories, I will guide you through bilateral stimulation exercises, helping your brain to reprocess the memory. Over time, this reduces the emotional charge attached to the trauma, allowing you to feel more neutral and less triggered by past events. It can take time and a lot of preparation to begin EMDR, so there’s no pressure to be ready right away. Click the link to my blog post on this topic for more information on what to expect in an EMDR therapy session.

EMDR therapy is particularly effective for individuals suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and complex trauma (C-PTSD), but it has also been successfully used to address anxiety, depression, phobias, and other conditions. Many people with single event trauma report significant improvements in just a few sessions, making EMDR a fast-acting and transformative approach to healing. For complex trauma the process can take longer but is still effective.

If you're struggling with unresolved trauma or emotional distress, EMDR therapy can offer relief, helping you move toward greater emotional resilience and well-being.

Key Benefits of EMDR Therapy:

  • Provides relief from trauma and PTSD symptoms

  • Works effectively in fewer sessions compared to traditional therapies without extensive worksheets or homework

  • Can reduce anxiety, depression, and phobias

  • Helps improve self-esteem and self-worth in addition to desensitizing traumatic memories and reducing triggers

PTSD, Trauma, and unmet needs in childhood can hold back even the most determined adults who are able to persevere on the surface, while quietly struggling internally. Therapies such as Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy (EMDR), Internal Family Systems Therapy (IFS), and Ego State Therapy can help individuals safely access their trauma and reprocess it for lasting healing.

  • Yes, EMDR therapy can be successfully conducted online through secure video sessions. The process can be adapted for teletherapy, utilizing visual cues, auditory tones, or tapping for bilateral stimulation. This flexibility allows you to receive treatment from the comfort and safety of your home.

  • Yes, I have an office for in-person sessions in North Austin near Mopac and 183 if you prefer to meet face to face. My availability is more limited for this option though.

  • I have several ways you can use your insurance.

    I'm in network with Aetna and offer a convenient hassle free way to handle your claims through a company called Headway.

    For all other insurance carriers, if you've met your deductible for the year you could get automatic reimbursement and only pay for a portion of your sessions by using a company called Thrizer to process out of network claims. If you haven't met your deductible, we can submit superbills to Thrizer to apply toward meeting it.

    I can assist you with your options in a free 15-minute consultation or visit my services page for links to explore these options for yourself.

  • See my frequently asked questions page for more questions and answers or schedule a free 15-minute consultation with me. I'd be happy to help!


I never fit in as a kid. In the words of Waylon Jennings, “I’ve always been different with one foot over the line, winding up somewhere one step ahead or behind.” I had a tumultuous adolescence and early adulthood characterized by some heavy blows in life that left me feeling hopeless by my mid-twenties. After seeking my own treatment and therapy to move through my struggles, I found I was most engaged by life when I was helping others with similar challenges. It was my way of putting my experience to good use. My pursuit toward building on this discovery led me to a 10-year career in the behavioral health treatment field, moving from primary counselor to executive director of two programs. My passion for neuro-informed therapy was born while managing an assessment program with a neuropsychologist trained in EMDR and neurofeedback therapy.

During those years, I earned my Master of Science in Addiction Counseling from Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center and completed my training for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy through the EMDR Institute. My supervisor was an incredibly talented therapist who trained me in adapting EMDR for use with complex trauma and dissociative disorders. I  found my niche in trauma therapy and became passionate about the delicate process of helping people heal from their deepest wounds. After several years of part time private practice during evenings and weekends I took the leap into full time private practice. Getting to connect with people and focus solely on therapy is my idea of a dream job. 

Learn more about my “why” as a therapist.

Photo of Alex Penrod standing at the summit of Imogine Pass near Teluride Colorado with mountains and snow in the background. Photo is meant to be symbolic of overcoming trauma and obstacles.
Trauma recovery and mountain climbing are not about speed. It’s about making small moves forward, sometimes doubling back to take another path, then one day you realize how far you’ve come.
— Alex Penrod

Training and Certification

Circular photo of a concrete wall with the words everyone is welcome written on it.

Non-judgmental, inclusive, and down to earth.

In most professions, being perfect and never making a mistake is a selling point. But that’s not typically the type of person you’d feel comfortable sharing your struggles and vulnerabilities with. As a person in recovery and a human being, my life has been challenging and hardly fits into a nice little box. My primary focus is on understanding what you’ve been through, not labeling from a place of judgment.


  • Photo of scrabble blocks arranged on table to spell shift happens. This is referencing the shift that occurs working with an EMDR Therapist in Austin, TX.

    Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy

  • Photo of person from above displaying both hands drawing a diagram of a system of connected parts on a piece of paper. This is to reference the internal system of parts within the personality that can become more harmonious and integrated with IFS.

    Ego State and Internal Family Systems Informed "Parts Work"

  • Photo of a pen next to a label that says goals.

    Strengths Focused Goal Setting and Values Clarification

  • Photo of a person's hand writing in a notebook taking notes during a mental health and substance use assessment.

    Mental Health and Substance Use Assessments

  • Photo of an apple laptop sitting on a small table in front of a coach ready for a telehealth online therapy session with an EMDR therapist in Austin, TX.

    Convenient and Confidential Telehealth Platform


Want to learn more about EMDR therapy? See my blog below or visit my frequently asked questions page.


Want to learn more about EMDR therapy? See my blog below or visit my frequently asked questions page. ***


Understanding the Neuroscience Behind EMDR Therapy: A Path to Healing

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Photo of a Tibetan singing bowl next to a small buddha statue to symbolize relaxation and regulation of the nervous system after trauma.

Strategies to Regulate Your Nervous System After Trauma

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Photo of a collage with the words trauma, self-esteem, confusion, abuse, hopelessness, ptsd, anger, fear, dreams, and pain written on scraps of paper with an image of a heart in the center.

Understanding Single Event PTSD vs. Complex Trauma in Childhood and Adolescence

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Photo of a woman holding a map and reading it intently to symbolize reading this guide to how an EMDR session is mapped out.

What to Expect in an EMDR Therapy Session: A Guide for Clients

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Begin your journey today.